for me, practicing yoga is one of the best things i have ever done for myself. a half year on, yoga has become an essential part of my daily routine.
as with many things in life, just getting started was the most difficult step. back in January, it was on my list of new year's resolutions, and seemed like a pleasant indoor workout option for the dead of winter.
i had no idea that i'd get hooked after a week.
some things i've learned along the way:
- it's a real workout. difficult, sweaty, muscle-and-strength-challenging, intense. i've never felt so sore as i did after those first weeks, but after six months, i feel stronger in more ways than one.
- it's a realtime mind/body metaphor. if i'm stressed or my mind is cluttered with worries and thoughts, i'll wobble or fall out of a pose right at the moment when that distracting thought interrupts my concentration.
- it's empowering. the feeling of finally getting a pose after weeks of trying (in my case, half moon and side plank) is amazing. that feeling has a great way of trickling into how i think about other goals.
in short, yoga has become a life gamechanger for me. it's wonderful to know that i can make time for myself on a daily basis, take stock and renew my mental and physical energies, and feel blissful even if i've had a really crappy day. usually, the days when i don't feel up for yoga are the days when i need it the most.
have you had a similar epiphany recently? do you do yoga?
P.S. – coming up tomorrow: my interview with a yoga teacher.