"Sometimes, people think aesthetics are superficial. But I think they can be deep. I love the atmosphere and the visuals. So, I do what I love. Some people connect with it, and others don’t. It reminds me of something Anjelica told me in my 20s: 'Not everyone is going to like you.' It saved me years of disappointment."
–Sofia Coppola, in conversation with Anjelica Huston and Philip Galanes
(read the rest of the interview here)
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- this completely fascinating vintage documentary featuring late 90s Vogue, Anna Wintour, and a young Plum Sykes! juicy and fun and refreshingly rough-around-the-edges view of the fashion world before The Internet Invasion
- currently in the midst of two favorite TV shows; the excellent Better Call Saul, and season 3 of House of Cards. BCS is fantastic; though HoC has me feeling meh about the storyline and rather farfetched subplots.
- the final run of Cabaret, with Sienna Miller as Sally Bowles
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here's hoping that Daylight Savings will mean an end to all this snow! what are you up to this weekend?